Hosted by the legends Big Zoo and CF, this fully freestyled show features three amazing MCs in each of its monthly broadcasts.
legends unite
Blend together the right substances and you’ll get an explosion. Such was the goal of MCs Prolific Wone and Vanguard when they plotted to get Big Zoo and CF together under the same spotlight on EOWtv. Big Zoo, regarded by many as one of the best freestyle MCs on the planet, delivers each rhyme with a zen-like elegance and brings a lifetime of thoughtfully cultivated learning and insights to his flow. CF, the perfect counterpoint, unleashes an autodidactic brilliance that assaults a listener’s consciousness and reorganizes their understanding of reality. Mix the pair together with beats by Soulful Soze and you end up with the perfect chemistry that is Free-O-Dub: The Celebration of Freestyle.
pathway to excellence
With so many proving grounds shut down due to the pandemic, the Free-O-Dub show has been an amazing space for MCs to come together to highlight and hone their freestyling skills. A companion program to Free-O-Dub: The Celebration of Freestyle, which focuses on select freestyle MCs, Free-O-Dub: Freestyle Dojo is open to all MCs who want to sharpen their lyrical swords.